Mental Health

Fostering cosiness for mental health

Cosiness is something that feels good, just picturing it in your mind, makes you feel safe. Fostering cosiness for mental health is so important during these cold and drab winter months.

Fostering cosiness for mental health
Photo by Rafael Leão on Unsplash
[IMG]Picture shows a notebook and hot drink on a table in front of an armchair by a lit fireplace[IMG]

I recently watched a wonderful video on It’s a Charming Life, where Lyndsey shared her struggles with SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression that comes seasonally. This time of year there is less sunlight, and this very much affects the chemistry of the brain.

This got me thinking of how we can all take a leaf out of Lyndsey’s book and foster cosiness into our everyday life. I guess it would fit into living a Hygge lifestyle something that makes total sense to me.

Our mental health can very much move with the seasons, but bringing cosiness into our lives I feel can make every day feel special. Self care, loving ourselves are things that naturally help us to feel good. However, when we are depressed it can be very hard to want to care for ourselves, or to feel like we deserve the effort it takes.

However, after thinking about the message in the video Its a Charming Life shared, I realised how much routine has helped me. Personally, I love routine and knowing what is happening as it helps my anxiety disorder a lot. So if we bring cosiness into our daily routine, surely it will become second nature and then we will learn that we are worth the time and effort.

Fostering cosiness for mental health

  • Find what you love – I was reading an article the other day, I cannot find it now, but it said that finding what you love is the first step to happiness. Most of us forget what we love because of societal pressures or peer pressure. However, the easiest way to figure this out is to think about what you loved doing as a child. Once you know what you love you can start to bring more of it into your daily life.
  • Comfort – As a child I often curled up with my favourite teddy bear, this idea is very much based in that. Do you love cosy blankets, throws on the sofa, chunky jumpers? Bringing these things into your life brings warmth and comfort with it, something that is incredibly important for our mental health.
  • Slow down – Many of us now find our lives are on fast forward, with days and years passing by so quickly we cannot appreciate it. Slowing down your life, removing the things that do not serve you, taking time to meditate and journal, go for walks will help.

You are worth the time and effort of these actions, not everything is about other people, self care can be a big part of mental health. Fostering cosiness for mental health is a lovely small thing that can easily be bought into our every day.

Namaste xxx

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