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Meet Mindful Moe

Hey everybody!

As you all will know well, mindfulness and meditation is so important to me and I talk about it often! I really think if everyone learned to meditate it would change the world, so when I met Julienne on Instagram I got excited! This amazing woman wants to teach children to meditate and she wants to do it with a teddy bear she designed called Mindful Moe!

Credit to Julienne

So how can you get a toy for your child? Here is more information from their press release:

Meet Mindful Moe – the Cuddly Pug that teaches Mindfulness to your Child.

Encouraging the mental, emotional, social health and well-being of Children.

The cuddly pug ‘Mindful Moe’ was lovingly created by Julieanne Reel; founder of Mindful Kids Ireland in Northern Ireland.  Julieanne has been working with children of all ages for 25 years.  She has been teaching Mindfulness to children individually, with groups and in schools since 2014.  Her kickstarter pre-order campaign hopes to raise £25K in just 30 days. This will help to bring Mindful Moe in to the arms of every child in Ireland, the EU and the UK. 

Julieanne says “I wanted to offer a way in to Mindfulness that is fun, accessible and of genuine use in children’s daily lives and so I created Mindful Moe. My goal with Mindful Moe is to help children realize how amazing they are and to enrich their lives with Mindfulness.  I want our children to learn coping skills, build resilience and compassion for themselves and others. Moe will help with this”.

Mindful Moe

is so much more than just a cute cuddly plush.  Moe teaches the formal practise of Mindfulness (Meditation) at the touch of a little paw.  His soothing boy’s voice guides your child using 3 different audio meditations: a calming meditation to practise, a meditation to aid sleep, and a loving kindness meditation to instil compassion for oneself and others.  Moe keeps his little eyes closed as a reminder to look within – the secret to self-masterly. 

So what exactly is Mindfulness? Mindfulness simply means present moment awareness, without judgement.  It is about noticing and accepting what is ‘here’ in each moment as it unfolds, instead of ruminating over past events or worrying about the future. 

Mindfulness is not by any means airy fairy nor is it religious.  It is backed by 1000’s of studies and neuroscientists now view Mindfulness and Meditation as the top way to upgrade the brain, with the potential to transform lives in many ways. It has been associated with decreased activity in undesirable brain functions. It has the power to quieten the inner critic and calm the busy mind. Mindfulness is recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence to improve the mental, emotional, social health and wellbeing of children, young people and adults. 

Growing up is not easy, and sometimes it’s hard to cope with what life throws at you.  

Our children’s lives are busy. Their minds can become cluttered and access to too much information leads to over-thinking.  Children worry and stress over lots of things.  More and more children are presenting with challenging behaviour, symptoms of anxiety, low self-esteem and self-doubt.  Mindful Moe will teach children Mindfulness. This will give them the space to manage their emotions and the ability to self-regulate leading to a content, peaceful and happy child.  Mindful Moe is for suitable for children age 3+ with all levels of ability.  Moe can help children with additional needs, ADHD and children on the autism spectrum. 


Go to the kickstarter campaign and pre-order now.

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