The frustrations of being a wheelchair user
I will be honest, the frustrations of being a wheelchair user are many and though some are individual, many are shared. So, I thought today I would spend a little time explaining about the different reasons someone might use a…
Working through frustration
Working through frustration has become something I am used to, something I battle with every day. Chronic fatigue holds me back from so much, recording my YouTube videos, even writing this blog so I thought we should chat about it.…
ME/CFS frustrations
It is ME awareness day and I am a sufferer of this illness so I wanted to make a post about it and why we need more awareness and more funding. There is so little known about this illness even…
Frustration with Fatigue
Hey everybody! So like I mentioned earlier this week, my fatigue has kicked things up a notch and I am really hoping this is just a flare to do with the anaemia I have been put on iron tablets for.…
Frustrations and realisations
Hey everybody! Well this week has been a big one for me and one that I am glad came in January so I could get everything set up and out of the way. I know this is a bit cryptic,…
Frustration and studying with chronic illness
Hey everybody! If you have been following my you tube channel, then you will know that I am currently studying to become a psychic. I have found as the course has progressed however that my chronic illnesses are holding me…
Mindfulness over frustration
Hey everybody! So since the beginning of the year I have had the same goal, daily yoga and housework…and every week I fall short! I feel sometimes like my goals are far off in the distance and I am stood…
Depression and frustration
So last week I fainted, this is not something that has happened to me since I was 17 and saw Blur in concert with my boyfriend Andrew Edmonds….so yeah it is not something that happens! I went from feeling pretty…
How my thoughts on chronic illness have changed
In this week’s blog post, I thought we would chat about how my thoughts on chronic illness have changed. So, grab a cup of tea lets chat. If you are new to my blog, I should mention that I was…
Tips for living well with a disability
It is no longer Disability Pride Month, but we still want to live our best lives so here are some tips for living well with a disability. Disability Pride Month is an important month for raising awareness and protesting for…