A chronic illness photography study

[IMG]Picture shows a vintage camera on an old map and sat beside three polaroid’s[IMG]
Last week I was contacted by Ashley Oman on Instagram, they asked if I could help promote a chronic illness photography study. They are a university student working with two nursing students. Aiming to look into the lived experience of duel disasters and and a chronic health condition.
This very much interested me, because as we are all living through Covid-19 pandemic, other disasters such as fire or hurricanes for example still happen. Discovering how these stressful situations affect us as individuals with chronic illness is so important.
This study is very cool as it is a photography study and now most people have cameras on them all the time in their phones. We take so many photographs on our phones we rarely use actual cameras. To look into things using them is so clever and I love that they want to create a gallery to promote future change.
I often talk here on the blog about stress and how to cope with it in a healthier way, so to help promote this study meant a lot to me. They are hoping that results from the study can be used to help people who are not getting the help they need after disaster. It is a really powerful way of trying to push for awareness and change so definitely go and have a look at the study.
In order to participate you need to have been directly impacted by a disaster since March 2020. You also need to be over the age of 18 and either have a chronic illness or be a caregiver to someone with chronic illness. You can participate anonymously, but if you provide your email address you will be entered into a lottery to win one of four $50 Amazon vouchers.
I really look forward to seeing the results of this study, so if you qualify why not go and have a look and participate. A chronic illness photography study is such an interesting way of looking into this so I am sure it will become a powerful gallery and help bring change.