Adventures, Hobbies and Flare Ups

[IMG]Picture shows sewing form with tape measure around the neck with the title of the blog written above and the name of the post written below in brown against a dark grey background[IMG]
Hey everybody!
Wow this week has been very out of the ordinary, and I kind of feel like a fish out of water, or like the ground isn’t quite right beneath me. Its just been adventures, hobbies and flare ups and not enough rest and quiet for me to cope!
On Tuesday my husband had to go to a meeting in London, and while he was looking up how to get there he realised he would be passing one of my best friends houses on the way. Louise is one of my oldest and best friends and she lives in the outskirts of London, because of this and we both have chronic illnesses, we rarely get together.
I am mostly housebound and because of this I often get lonely so I jumped at the chance to spend the day with her. Until I found out I had to be up at 4am! I struggle most mornings due to my fatigue and so getting up was hard, but my goodness it was made easier with excitement!
I slept most of the way there so I was not feeling too bad when I got there, I actually managed to be awake and more human than zombie thankfully! She took me to the most amazing fabric shop and I picked some out and she showed me how to make myself a skirt.

New Skirt
She taught me how to cut out the skirt and I watched her sew it together while she explained what she was doing. I recorded it on my camera so I could watch it back later when I try and do it myself.
I absolutely love this skirt, it fits perfectly and I am excited to get some fabric and try to make another. If I could make my own clothes that would be so cool and it is a hobby I have wanted to learn for a long time but my anxiety and depression have held me back.
It was so lovely to see Louise and her family and I just had such a lovely time. However, we drove to London and spent a full day being social and then drove back home in one day! We left at 5am and we got home after 9pm!
The following day I literally did not move from bed apart from going to the toilet and I needed help from my husband to do that! I was exhausted and all I did was lie in bed watching things on my Ipad and dozing which the dog did not mind at all!
Now it is Friday and I am still tired, but on top of that I feel my emotions are all over the place? I am not sure if it is being tired or anxiety or what but I just don’t feel quite myself I hope I can shake this off over the next few days and hopefully by the beginning of next week I will be back to my usual self.
How do you cope after a busy week? Any tips you can offer for dealing with emotions you can’t quite identify?
Namaste xxx