Some answers, pain and dog training

[IMG]Picture shows a pug covered with blanket on bedspread with the name of the blog written above, and the title of the post below in grey against a brown background[IMG]
This week has been difficult for me, but it has provided some answers, pain and dog training a combination I must admit I hadn’t thought would ever go together! I am thankful though and I am keeping my spirits up something that is so important when your illnesses are flaring.
As you know I have been suffering with gastric problems for about a year now after a nurse gave me some antibiotics. I have had pain all this time and though I have done all I could to try and help my situation through diet I knew there wasn’t much I could do myself.
This last Friday I went to see my GP; he is a rare doctor who actually listens and doesn’t make assumptions. Even when he told me all the test results came back clear (something nobody I pain wants to hear) I trusted he would find an answer. He and I sat and brainstormed for a few minutes, he once again examined me and concluded that he suspected it was IBS.
Having read a little about Irritable Bowel Syndrome since that appointment, I have to admit it does explain a lot of the symptoms I have been having. He has put me on Laxido and Colofac and asked to see me again after Christmas to see if they help and to make a plan. I am considering asking his opinion about the low Fodmap diet, which is meant to help, we shall see!
Along with all this we had started to experience some misbehaviour from our lovely rescue dog Dexter. We felt out of our depth so got in touch with a local dog trainer who came and knew exactly the problem right away. We had to get a baby gate to keep Dexter in the kitchen when we have visitors, and we have a list of rules to follow, but he is doing well already! We love him so much it is very important to us not to give up on him, he is very much worth the extra work.
I have felt very drained and tired, but I am hopeful by working with my doctor and my dog trainer things will get better. However, as we all know it is important not to hang your hopes on things, all I can do is rest when needed and keep my spirits up as much as I can. Of course, Netflix always helps when all I have are some answers, pain and dog training!
Namaste xxx