• Health Update

    F is for Fatigue

    When I was a child I loved Sesame Street, and at the moment I cannot stop thinking that F is for Fatigue would definitely be one of my words of the day. It feels so overwhelming and I am struggling…

  • Health Update

    The worst flare in a while

    I am currently experiencing the worst flare in a while of my chronic illnesses and I am really struggling, so lets talk about how it happened and why its a lesson to learn from. I often talk about my chronic…

  • Health Update

    Health Update

    I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have…

  • Health Update

    When fatigue flares

    Moving house is always stressful and difficult, even if you don’t have chronic illnesses it can take it’s toll. When fatigue flares it can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed, or trying to push through so you can get things…