F is for Fatigue
When I was a child I loved Sesame Street, and at the moment I cannot stop thinking that F is for Fatigue would definitely be one of my words of the day. It feels so overwhelming and I am struggling…
The worst flare in a while
I am currently experiencing the worst flare in a while of my chronic illnesses and I am really struggling, so lets talk about how it happened and why its a lesson to learn from. I often talk about my chronic…
Working through frustration
Working through frustration has become something I am used to, something I battle with every day. Chronic fatigue holds me back from so much, recording my YouTube videos, even writing this blog so I thought we should chat about it.…
ME/CFS frustrations
It is ME awareness day and I am a sufferer of this illness so I wanted to make a post about it and why we need more awareness and more funding. There is so little known about this illness even…
Health Update
I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have…
Rest is Self Care
I think so many of us, disabled or not, think that rest is wasting time or not being productive enough. I felt the same for a long time, but I have found rethinking it as rest is self care really…
When pacing goes wrong
I think we have all had times when pacing goes wrong and end up doing so much more than you meant. It is part of living with chronic illnesses that cause fatigue, and so is the guilt! So I thought…
When fatigue flares
Moving house is always stressful and difficult, even if you don’t have chronic illnesses it can take it’s toll. When fatigue flares it can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed, or trying to push through so you can get things…
Stress with a chronic illness
Well the pandemic is still happening though governments are easing everything to make money again. We are in the middle of moving house just the contracts to sign and to sort out a completion date. And my dad’s dog who…
Unpredictable British weather causing pain
Oh yes it is that time of year again, and unpredictable British weather is causing pain! By now I should be used to it, I should be prepared and armed for all occurrences because here we never know what we…