• tips and tricks

    My plans and hopes for 2025

    It’s that time of year again, where we all get pressured to try and set lofty resolutions that we will not stick to. My plans and hopes for 2025 though are different and something that I am hoping I will…

  • Money in coins are spilling out of a jar on it's side
    tips and tricks

    Money and mental health

    Most of us know that money and mental health go hand in hand, but being forced to live on benefits is not seen with such compassion. People assume that benefits are easy to get and once you have them, that’s…

  • A small white teapot, a cup of tea and a slice of cake on a plate with a fork is seen on a table
    tips and tricks

    Making every day special

    I have never been someone who believes in ‘saving things for best’, but especially after becoming sick I started to concentrate on making every day special. Mindfulness, and an attitude of gratitude also became things that helped me to enjoy…

  • tips and tricks

    Staying Cool with Chronic Illness

    Staying cool with chronic illness is never easy, many of us struggle to regulate our temperatures which can lead to overheating. Added to that is the fact that many medications can affect how our bodies react to heat and direct…

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