Disability pride month and #spooniewitchesexist
This week has been eventful I have had a ton of nominations in the WEGO health awards, it is disability pride month, and #spooniewitchesexist. All these things excite me and I am dying to chat about so lets get to it!

So lets start with the fact that I have been nominated for SEVEN awards in the WEGO health awards!!! I am so proud of how far I have come her on the blog and on YouTube and just generally in how I try to stand up for others in the Disabled community. I am so grateful that people here in my community thought to nominate me and I just want to say thank you so so much anyone who nominated me or endorsed me thank you so much.
Now in order to get to the next round I need to be endorsed, all you need to do is head over to my WEGO profile and click endorse on the awards you feel I deserve. No pressure at all to do so, but I am very appreciative of anyone who enjoys my content enough to head over there and do so.
Disability Pride Month:
I have been talking about my mental and physical health here on the blog since July 2016 so for five years now and yet this year was the first time I heard about Disability Pride Month. This is not as well known here in the UK because it was started to celebrate the American Disability Act however, it has started to get traction here too recently.
It started as a way to celebrate on one day in 2015, but has now become a month long promotion to try and end the stigma around disability. The flag was designed by Ann Magill in 2017 and the design was really thought through:
- The black background is to signify rebellion and protest as well as to show the mourning we feel for those who have experienced ablest violence
- The lightening bolt is because we have to navigate our lives around so many barriers
- The five colours show that we all have different needs and experiences as disabled individuals
Now I know for some of us the thought of having pride can feel alien, after all society is constantly saying we are too dependant and should be forced to work or left on the sidelines. But I think this is mainly because we are just not seen unless it is to use us for inspiration porn on a TV show like Dancing with the Stars who always have one disabled person.
We need to stop letting them hide us away, when I first got sick I felt so ashamed and like I had let everyone down, but it wasn’t my fault I had illnesses. It took many years for me to stop feeling sorry for myself and to start really accepting myself as a human who deserved so much more than people tried to tell me. I still have my off days, as you will see if you have read older blog posts here, but my life is as worthy as some executive who works a 40+ hours a week and so is yours.
Spoonie witches exist:
Now, I have to admit that I have my moments of self doubt, and for me a lot of that comes from my abilities as a witch. I struggle with my memory, with travelling to places, and having the strength to do big elaborate spells, seeing others talking about these things and reading it in books made me feel like less of a witch.
A blog I love called Witch with me, realised how ableist the community could be and started a social media hashtag #spooniewitchesexist. When I saw that I got so excited, I mean who doesn’t want to see the very thing they needed just pop up like that? I love following the people who post there and finding new disabled witches to learn from. Giving accessible witchcraft tips, learning how simple a spell can be, learning how to help yourself through the craft are all things I love. So go follow the hashtag if you want to learn more from disabled witches.
I really hope that this post has made you feel a little less alone and a little more seen and heard because that is honestly why I share here and in my videos. Disability pride month and #spooniewitchesexist prove that when we work together we can spread the word that we are proud to be disabled!
One Comment
Caz / InvisiblyMe
A fab post and a lovely shout out to the other blog, Witch With Me. I’ll check that out in a minute. A huge congrats on your nominations, fellow Wego nominee! I just wanted to give you a heads up that your link to your Wego profile isn’t quite right – it’ll just reroute the viewer to their own profile. It needs to be a link with your profile name in it, so wegohealth.com/BeverleyButterfly/awards 🙂