Fighting fatigue and gaining confidence

[IMG]Picture shows a tired puppy lying on a bed with grey bedding and a fluffy grey blanket on it with the name of the blog written above and the title of the post below in black against a grey background[IMG]
Hey everybody!
First of all I am very sorry I did not have a blog post out to you on Friday last week I think things caught up with me. I have been fighting fatigue and gaining confidence two things that shouldn’t go together but this week strangely do!
As you know I had a bit of a stressful week with going to two disability benefits reassessments in one week! I really feel as if dealing with that has increased my fatigue to a point where I wake up a lot later in the morning than usual, and spend most of the morning, laying in bed looking more zombie than human!
I am struggling to do any housework and forget attempting physiotherapy exercises, which of course means my pain has increased! I have been good though, I have been listening to my body and putting my energy into getting over something that was incredibly stressful and we are still waiting to hear the results for one of them! Thankfully nothing changed with the ESA and I will still get paid the same and I am so grateful, now we are just waiting to hear about the dreaded PIP!!
So the week has not been all bad, and I have been doing more work to try and increase my confidence when it comes to my mediumship. So I have in a couple of months going to be doing readings for people I do not know in my psychic mediumship course, to get myself ready for this I offered to do one card readings for people on my Instagram.
To be honest, I was really nervous, but as I am housebound most of my readings would have to be online so why not give it a try? I had a few people say yes, more than I thought would, and they all liked my readings which shocked me! What shocked me more was that I enjoyed it immensely and I felt my confidence grow which was the whole point!
It makes me so happy to know I am gaining confidence and strength as I go and that by putting in the work, and looking after my health I can even turn a frustrating week into a good one!
Namaste xxx