Frustration with Fatigue

[IMG]Picture shows a dog looking bored on a dark blue carpet, writte above is the name of the blog and below the title of the post in grey against a dark blue background[IMG]
Hey everybody!
So like I mentioned earlier this week, my fatigue has kicked things up a notch and I am really hoping this is just a flare to do with the anaemia I have been put on iron tablets for. This week has been full of frustration with fatigue stopping me doing most things I want to do and when I push through it pushes back!
I have started trying to do my physiotherapy exercises every other day, she told me to do them like that so they didn’t make me too tired. Then on the day I do not do that I thought I could do a little cleaning…which was a good idea in theory!
However, with my anaemia as well as fatigue from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome my body said no! I managed to clean 2 toilets and 2 sinks on Monday, and physio on Tuesday and I thought to myself this is going to work well…
Frustration with fatigue kicked in Wednesday when I woke up feeling completely drained of life and I have felt awful ever since! Honestly I am at a loss to how to go forward, I mean how am I meant to build up when fatigue stops me, but not doing things causes fatigue?????
One good thing that has come out of it I realise is that I have actually listened to my body. Instead of pushing too hard I have slept in and skipped showers when I needed to which really helped.
I have also been working hard with some new Oracle cards I got this week, they really took my mind off the frustration with fatigue. They are beautiful and I love the booklet which gives you so much information I have been enjoying reading that after doing readings on myself with them.
I think that is the best tip I can give you, find something to take your mind off things while you also rest. Maybe read a new book, start crochet or knitting, or binge watch that TV show you kept meaning to watch.
Namaste xxx