Making every day special
I have never been someone who believes in ‘saving things for best’, but especially after becoming sick I started to concentrate on making every day special. Mindfulness, and an attitude of gratitude also became things that helped me to enjoy the moment and to enjoy life. It wasn’t always easy to do as I do struggle with my mental health, but we are all worthy of taking time to make the day mean something.
Why making every day special is important?
Struggling with my mental health has been a battle I have fought my whole life, depression and anxiety were always there in the background. It wasn’t until I was in my early thirties that I realised that my mind was something I didn’t have to listen to.
I knew of mindfulness because I practiced yoga, and I found while doing that I wasn’t beating myself up with negative thoughts. The idea of being in that mindset all the time became a goal for me and something that is not easy but is so worthwhile.
After setting my sights on mindfulness and realising that maybe these horrible negative thoughts were not right, I wanted to be kinder to myself. This shift in attitude led me to regaining loves and interests from earlier in my life that I had lost because of my mental health.
The first was the love of vintage décor in my home and dressing in a vintage style, at first I dressed as if I were living in the 1940’s-50’s but now I dress more 1960’s-80’s. Bringing fun clothing and pretty dresses into my daily life instead of pjs or jeans made such a big difference to how I felt about myself.
I started to grow in confidence and started to share more about my change in mental state on my Instagram and YouTube channel. I realised that the negative thoughts and feelings I had about myself were tied my surroundings and how I dressed.
Think about when you are going out, you put on a nice outfit, do your makeup or try a new hairstyle. You feel brighter, just like you feel better after decluttering your space or decorating a room.
I realised that I wanted that feeling every day, not just when I was going out or on special occasions. So, I stopped saving things for best, even last night I made Angel Delight and I put it into wine glasses with toppings and made it feel special.
After setting my sights on mindfulness and realising that maybe these horrible negative thoughts were not right, I wanted to be kinder to myself. Share on XHow to do it
- Don’t save things for best – now this is a big one, every day should be celebrated so why not wear that dress, or light that candle, or wash your face with nice facewash? Too often I have saved things and then they never got used, instead I was using things that I didn’t like as much, and the nice things got dusty and discarded. Stop saving things, use the nice wine glasses, your grandma’s tea set or whatever it is because life is short why not enjoy every day?
- Mindfulness – I know, I know, but I have to mention it again, practicing this every day has changed my life for the better. It makes me a better friend, and wife and life doesn’t flash passed me anymore.
- Your thoughts aren’t always right – we all are programmed to think the worst of ourselves, and to assume everyone things bad things about us to. By realising that our thoughts are not true, we open ourselves up to start to really love ourselves. Self-love is not always easy to practice, and takes time to become genuine, but makes so much difference to feeling worthy of making every day special.
- Create routines – whether this is afternoon tea together, or sitting for a cuppa in the garden, or even just sitting for dinner every night together. Routines that make a moment of your day pause and be about being present with family or friends is so important. It’s especially nice if you set the table nicely, light candles and make it feel really lovely and special.
- Decorate – no matter what your décor style is, there are always ways to make a room feel lovely. It could be to buy yourself some flowers, light a scented candle, use seasonal bedding or throw pillows. Whatever it is that makes a space feel homely and special to you should be done every day because it will make you feel good about being home.
- An Attitude of gratitude – practicing gratitude for the things we have instead of always wanting what someone else has is a game changer. I often look around me and just give gratitude for what is around me, which goes against everything society wants us to do. Jealousy and a feeling of lacking is how capitalism keeps going, but I honestly look around and see that it makes nobody happy, and it doesn’t work for everyone. Feel grateful for the things you have and stop looking at others and wish you had their life, because they might think the same about yours!
Let me know in the comments how you feel about the idea of making every day special, and if it is something you practice now or are thinking of doing. I really hope this post gave you some things to think about and that you have a lovely day today
Thank you xx
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I have been guilty of keeping things for best or for special occasions. I painted my nails 2 weeks ago which I haven’t done in years. I felt better about myself. This blog is very timely for me, thank you.
You are so welcome! Doing small things like this help us so much yet we tend to think of wearing nice clothes and painting our nails to be things just for going out. But why not put on a pretty dress and sit around the house? I do often because it helps me, so yes treat yourself my friend xx