Making life a little easier when you’re chronically unwell

Hey everybody!
Life can be a struggle for all of us at times. Financial troubles, the stress of running a household and raising kids, relationship pressures, family problems and much more. However if you’re unwell or are coping with chronic pain, then everything is even harder. Some days you struggle getting out of bed or dealing with the simplest of tasks when you’re in pain, so anything you can do to make life a little easier is sure to be a good thing. Here are a few ideas.
Look Into Alternative Therapies
Modern medicine is excellent, and new breakthroughs are happening all the time which can treat and cure all kinds of ailments. However the side effects can sometimes be as unpleasant as the illness itself. In the case of chronic pain, often even the most up to date and powerful medicines still struggle to touch it. Whether you want to reduce your pain medicine or just give it a boost, lots of alternative therapies have been shown to be very effective. Plus, they’re scientifically proven so it’s not like you’re simply relying on hope! Massage therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture and others are all treatments you could consider. Mindfulness and meditation has also shown to be effective. These can work by teaching you coping mechanisms of dealing with pain, and how to redirect your thoughts and energy. It really is a case of mind over matter which is a powerful thing to be able to do. Group sessions which deal with pain management where you can socialise with others in the same boat and share tips and advice is another option. Anything you can do to cope with or minimise pain is a good thing, it frees up much of your energy to be able to get on with your day instead of it solely revolving around pain.
Manage Your Health Online
These days we can do just about everything online. We work, socialise, we bank online and so much more. So it makes sense that we can now manage much of our health online. From ordering prescriptions from a site like to using online doctor apps during times we’re not able to get to our GP (or it’s out of hours). We can use apps to track medication, we can use devices that monitor blood pressure and blood sugar at home and send this information to our phones or computers. Even fitness devices like Fitbits and other trackers can be helpful. These measure heart rate, exercise levels, sleep quality, you can use them to track your calories, weight, water consumption and much more. There’s plenty we can do to manage our health and conditions online these days, and doing so can certainly make life easier than attending extra doctors appointments. New systems are being put in place to keep your information secure as a patient, and so it’s a simple and safe way to look after yourself and to keep on top of your conditions as much as possible.
Accept Help
Many of us are too proud to accept help, but this really shouldn’t’ be the case. Whether it’s friends or family offering to help you cook or clean when you’re having a difficult day, or the government offering money and assistance to help with your condition- don’t immediately reject it. Your support system just wants you to be happy, and if the shoe were on the other foot, you know you would be the first to help them. If they want to help out, and do something to make your life a little easier then why not graciously take them up on the offer? Popping out to the shops for example might be a small thing for them, but a huge thing for you when it comes to being ill. When it comes to accepting help from the government, this will be money and assistance you are legally entitled to. Don’t feel like you need to turn this down, we’re lucky to live in a part of the world who looks after its citizens when they’re unwell. If you’re allowed this help, then take it if it will make your life easier and it’s something you need. Money could be used to purchase an adapted car, or to modify your home to make it suitable for you with your condition. It could help you to afford travel to doctors and hospitals and pay for your prescriptions. It can simply make your life that bit easier and give you one less thing to worry about.
Namaste xxx
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