Novice Witch Thoughts
So, the last week has been a bit of a rollercoaster and I’ve been having a lot of novice witch thoughts so let’s talk it out. It’s important to always be open to learning and changing your direction so if you have been doing these things just do some research. As you all know I have spent a good 20years or so studying yoga and mindfulness, doing meditations and working with balancing my chakras. As I moved into my witchcraft journey, I started to think about how I could bring this practice into my magical life. How I could embrace my love for India and the things that Buddhism and…
How To Deal With Loss Spiritually
The loss of a loved one is never easy. No matter if they passed away suddenly or have a terminal illness, you are never quite prepared and it is no easier. And loss doesn’t always have to be due to death, it could also be from something such as them moving away, or suffering from an illness such as dementia where they don’t remember you, or perhaps a divorce. Losing contact with somebody that you were very close to will hit hard and if you are spiritual you can feel like you have been abandoned. Being a spiritual person doesn’t mean that you will always be protected and you need…
Health Update
I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have definitely found recently that I have been struggling more and I think it is probably a mixture of things. Stress can definitely contribute to chronic illness symptoms; and we are having building work at out house right now. This is definitely a big factor in my recent flare and how my anxiety has been. However, I also think being a carer has contributed to my fatigue in a big way,…
Tips for Managing Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can arise for a wide variety of reasons. Some people live with it as a result of a physical injury, while other people’s chronic pain is tied to another chronic condition they have. Whatever’s causing your chronic pain, you’re no doubt here to find out more about managing your symptoms and living with the problem in a more sustainable way. Find out more about doing that below; each of the tips and ideas we’re about to talk about are capable of making a positive impact. Get Regular Massages If there’s one particular part of your body that’s worst affected by your chronic pain problems, you should take the…
Overwhelm in witchcraft
I am loving my spiritual journey, especially now I know what kind of witch I am and can focus my studies. But recently I have been feeling like I have too much to learn and do and it has been a lot! So I thought we could take some time to talk about overwhelm in witchcraft. When I started on this journey, I was very much based in spirituality, learning yoga, meditation and mindfulness (hence the name of this blog). But that soon moved me into witchcraft when I started learning to be a psychic. Though that didn’t last, I am thankful for the path it got me travelling down.…
Building a routine for mental health
I have to be honest, I am a creature of habit and I love when I know where I am and what is happening. Building a routine for mental health has been such an incredible part of my dealing with my illnesses. So lets talk about it and hopefully help one another. I have struggled with chronic depression and generalised anxiety disorder for most of my life. This has made living my life extremely challenging and has caused me to struggle with making friends, living away from home, even working. They are one of the main reasons I cannot work, and honestly when I stopped trying to work my mental…
Spread kindness like glitter
After seeing someone bullying on Twitter, I was inspired to think more about kindness. I have spoken a lot about it here on the blog and YouTube but can we please spread kindness like glitter? Have you ever used glitter? It will literally go everywhere, and I mean everywhere, you will be finding glitter all over your house. Even in room you didn’t go into! So when I say spread Kindness like glitter, I mean we should spread it everywhere even to places we didn’t think about. Show it wherever you go, be kind and think of others words we say and things we do matter. I always try to…
Rest is Self Care
I think so many of us, disabled or not, think that rest is wasting time or not being productive enough. I felt the same for a long time, but I have found rethinking it as rest is self care really helps stop me feeling guilty. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that just yesterday was a bad fatigue flare day. I had also been feeling rubbish for a few days before so I knew that something was coming. I spent most of the day in bed, drowsily watching a lot of videos while cuddling my favourite bear and my dog snoring on me. In the past I…
Fostering cosiness for mental health
Cosiness is something that feels good, just picturing it in your mind, makes you feel safe. Fostering cosiness for mental health is so important during these cold and drab winter months. I recently watched a wonderful video on It’s a Charming Life, where Lyndsey shared her struggles with SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression that comes seasonally. This time of year there is less sunlight, and this very much affects the chemistry of the brain. This got me thinking of how we can all take a leaf out of Lyndsey’s book and foster cosiness into our everyday life. I guess it would fit into living a Hygge…
When pacing goes wrong
I think we have all had times when pacing goes wrong and end up doing so much more than you meant. It is part of living with chronic illnesses that cause fatigue, and so is the guilt! So I thought it was time we talk about this. Monday was a good day, they are rare and usually I take my time and do little jobs that are usually too much. I was good, I paced and managed a little yoga, before going online and getting caught up with emails. I was being good, but my husband, who has epilepsy, was not. No Lee was over at our storage container, we…