• daily blog

    Dealing with overwhelm

    The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm;…

  • Uncategorized

    Mental Health Awareness Week

    It is Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 run by Mental Health Foundation and I had to do a post about it to raise awareness. I have had my own mental health battles through most of my life, and I think…

  • Uncategorized

    Tips for insomnia

    You know right now so many of us are struggling, able bodied or with chronic illness we are all in the same situation. I have seen a lot of people talking about struggling right now so I thought I would…

  • Contributed posts

    5 Tangible Ways to Fight Anxiety

    This is a contributed post written by Laurie Larson Anxiety has become nothing short of a modern pandemic. Millions of people around the globe are suffering from different types of anxiety and many of them are doing so in silence.…

  • Uncategorized

    Ups and downs

    Hey everybody! Well December has arrived, and we are all reflecting back on the year, while either dreading or getting excited for Christmas. As we look back we realise we all have times where we struggle but it is rarely…

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