Self Care with chronic illness
Hey everybody! So here in England at the moment it is very grey skies and freezing cold and raining most of the time…aka the perfect breeding ground for depression to creep up behind you and slowly start taking over! I…
How to deal with bad days after an event
Hey everybody! Today I wanted to talk about bad days, and not the random ones that seem to come from nowhere and knock you off your feet! No I am talking about the ones you have to plan for because…
Trying to have patience with my fatigue
Hello everybody! So today I took a 3 hour nap! I woke up after not a great nights sleep and was tired, I knew I was tired but I was excited because I was going to Amanda’s treatment room to have…
Health update and some advice?
Hey everybody! So this week has been tiring, I do not know why but my fatigue seems the worst it has been in so long and I am struggling to keep up. Naps and lots of sitting down between tasks…
Dealing with broken resolutions when chronically ill
Hey everybody! So how are those resolutions doing? It is the 7th so a week into January and I have broken some of my resolutions and in the past this has led me to giving up throwing in the towel…
Christmas day with chronic illness
Hey guys! First of all I want to say that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas day if you celebrate and that you are enjoying the holiday season! My Christmas day was really nice, I honestly was very…
sleepy but fighting
Hi everybody! Well the last few days I have found myself tired very very tired. Each day I say I am going to get up and do yoga and meditate and do housework and then I find myself unable to…