Dealing with stress
Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, especially when you have chronic illnesses that make every day feel like a rollercoaster. But right now I am moving house while we are in the middle of a…
Finding my feet
Finding my feet recently has not been easy, moving in with Mom to become a carer while dealing with my own chronic illnesses never would be! My mother before now has been living alone in my childhood home, and trying…
Stress with a chronic illness
Well the pandemic is still happening though governments are easing everything to make money again. We are in the middle of moving house just the contracts to sign and to sort out a completion date. And my dad’s dog who…
Dealing with overwhelm
The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm;…
Unpredictable British weather causing pain
Oh yes it is that time of year again, and unpredictable British weather is causing pain! By now I should be used to it, I should be prepared and armed for all occurrences because here we never know what we…
My illnesses awareness month
There are a lot of things I am not good at, including riding a bike, but the main one is remembering dates, birthdays etc. I really suck at it, still it was impossible to escape my notice this month that…
Flares and Animal Crossing
Flares and Animal Crossing are things I never thought would go together, but over the last week they have really gone together for me! So a few weeks ago I treated myself to a Nintendo Switch and the game Animal…
Tips for insomnia
You know right now so many of us are struggling, able bodied or with chronic illness we are all in the same situation. I have seen a lot of people talking about struggling right now so I thought I would…
Calming Blankets Review + discount code
I was so lucky recently Calming Blankets got in touch with me to ask me to do a review of one of their weighted blankets. I have long wanted to be able to afford one, so I am so happy…
The migraines are back
So for a while now I have not been struggling with my chronic migraines, but now the migraines are back! Its strange because I had a doctor I saw for them and I am on medication to take when I…