Surviving the nutritional minefield
Hey everybody! So if you have been following my blog and you tube channel you will know I am currently doing HEAL CHRONIC FATIGUE COURSE and though it is set up as a six week course I have taken a…
Travelling with anxiety
Hey everybody! First of all, the neural blocks I spoke about last post are working, my head is a lot nicer without pain, I will do a full review of how I am doing in a week or so to…
Possible headache relief
Hey everybody! So this week has been pretty interesting and a little bit of an experiment that I am actually pretty excited about! So on Wednesday I got to see a headache clinic for a chat and to find out…
Trying to cope with the cold
Hey everybody! I really do hope that this cold snap is not affecting you all too much, I have been reading blog posts and watching You Tube videos by my fellow spoonies and it is not looking good! This year…
Attempting to heal chronic fatigue
Hey everybody! First of all, Happy New Year! Yes it is 2018 and there is so much to look forward to and be inspired by when it comes to the start of a new year! A few weeks ago, I…
Pushing passed Guilt with Fatigue
Hey everybody! So it is getting closer to Christmas, with plans for visiting relatives and going out for dinner on the day as well as visiting my elderly Nan are all hovering over me. Of course, my body has chosen…
Coping with depression at Christmas
Hey everybody! Well it is that time of year again, I have cards to make, presents to wrap and right now I just want to fast forward to January and be done with it! Now do not get me wrong…
Feeling frustrated at the doctors
Hey everybody! So a couple of weeks ago I posted THIS post, in it I spoke of how I feel let down since my diagnosis was changed from Multiple Sclerosis to Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and neurological problems they did…
Be your own advocate
Hey everybody! So a couple of posts ago HERE, I talked about how I felt the NHS had let me down because since my diagnosis was changed from Multiple Sclerosis to Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have had hardly…
Staying positive during a flare
Hey everybody! Yeah my body right now is painful, my joints hurt, my head aches and I am struggling to get enough energy to keep up with the housework and overall this is what we call a flare! Everyone with…