Feeling let down by the NHS
Hi everybody! So this is a difficult thing for me to say, I was trained as a nurse in the NHS and I worked with them for a couple of years before I got sick. I love that we have…
The importance of reconnecting with old friends
Hi everybody! So yesterday an old friend from school came round to see me for a cup of tea and a catch up. Now to most people this might seem very boring and not out of the ordinary at all…
Quell Relief review
“I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company. “…
Let’s talk about fatigue
My changing relationship with yoga
Hey everybody! First of all I apologise for not writing a post last week! There was supposed to be someone to come and assess me for PIP the new disability benefit in the UK. I was so stressed it made…
New season new me
Hey everybody! Yes September is here, the leaves are starting to turn, and there are Halloween decorations in the shops! It is my favourite time of the year, so much cosier and I absolutely love the relief of getting away…
Change is as good as a rest
Hey everybody! So as you might know, if you have been reading my blog for a while, I have been struggling with my depression for a while now. Our living room has felt cramped and clutttered for a while now…
When it’s hard to say goodbye
Hi Everyone! First of all I apologise for this post coming to you a little late, when you read this post I hope you will understand why I needed a little time to process things. So last year my beloved…
Self care and depression video
Self care with depression
Hi everybody! Over the last month or so my depression has flared, I have had chronic depression since I was 14years old and usually I can battle it, but sometimes it just gets to be too much. I have often…