• daily blog

    A busy but happy few days

    Hi Everybody! First of all I am sorry I did not update yesterday I was spending the day offline as it was my Hubbys birthday. We didn’t do an awful lot because we both felt tired but we did have…

  • daily blog,  Mental Health

    Pain and depression

    Hey there everyone! First of all I am really sorry for not updating as regularly or consistently, my reasons can be explained with two words…Pain and Depression. One of the few things that keeps me grounded and makes me happy…

  • daily blog,  My diet

    Diet confusion

    Hi friends! So I am struggling at the moment and I have no idea what to do or who to ask and to be honest it is making me tearful and feel really down. So I have been having digestive…

  • daily blog

    Exciting weekend!

    Hi guys! Wow I had a busy weekend, it started Friday when me, Lee, my dad and his girlfriend Linda went to a shopping center here called Merry Hill…I call it Merry Hell but I am slightly strange lol! I…

  • daily blog,  My diet

    Meds Mixup

    Hi guys! Well last 2 days I have not been well, and before I tell you why I will preface this with the fact that my husband is an amazing carer and this has only ever done this once before…

  • daily blog,  Reviews

    Candles and migraines

    Hi guys! Hope you are all well? I have had an interesting few days, but today I mainly want to talk about a practice called Ear Candling? If you have not heard of it, this is basically a cone shaped…

  • daily blog

    Shopping and chill

    I actually went out of the house today, I went to the vets this morning with hubby and our dog who recently had an operation. Thankfully he is healing now and will hopefully be all better soon. Then we needed…