• Health Update

    Health Update

    I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have…

  • Contributed posts

    Tips for Managing Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain can arise for a wide variety of reasons. Some people live with it as a result of a physical injury, while other people’s chronic pain is tied to another chronic condition they have. Whatever’s causing your chronic pain,…

  • Uncategorized

    Getting back to exercise

    Exercise has been important to me for many years now and for a long time I did yoga every day. Looking after my joints and muscles helps my pain and protects my hypermobile joints. But with increased fatigue, and moving…

  • Uncategorized

    Migraine awareness week 2020

    It is migraine awareness week 2020 and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share a little about migraines that I have learned. This week is organised by The Migraine Trust and hopes to decrease stigma of the…

  • daily blog

    Dealing with overwhelm

    The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm;…

  • Uncategorized

    My illnesses awareness month

    There are a lot of things I am not good at, including riding a bike, but the main one is remembering dates, birthdays etc. I really suck at it, still it was impossible to escape my notice this month that…

  • Uncategorized

    Flares and Animal Crossing

    Flares and Animal Crossing are things I never thought would go together, but over the last week they have really gone together for me! So a few weeks ago I treated myself to a Nintendo Switch and the game Animal…

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