Health Update
I always find these posts important to write but difficult to write, I am not sure why but here is a health update. I will also be chatting a little about how being a carer has affected me. I have…
Tips for Managing Chronic Pain
Chronic pain can arise for a wide variety of reasons. Some people live with it as a result of a physical injury, while other people’s chronic pain is tied to another chronic condition they have. Whatever’s causing your chronic pain,…
Disabled community stop doing this in 2021
I think I can safely say you are not alone in doing these things, I am as guilty of it as you are. But disabled community stop doing this in 2021 please? Can we move forward with a collective agreement…
Getting back to exercise
Exercise has been important to me for many years now and for a long time I did yoga every day. Looking after my joints and muscles helps my pain and protects my hypermobile joints. But with increased fatigue, and moving…
Migraine awareness week 2020
It is migraine awareness week 2020 and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to share a little about migraines that I have learned. This week is organised by The Migraine Trust and hopes to decrease stigma of the…
Finding my feet
Finding my feet recently has not been easy, moving in with Mom to become a carer while dealing with my own chronic illnesses never would be! My mother before now has been living alone in my childhood home, and trying…
Dealing with overwhelm
The world is in the middle of a pandemic, and yet we are easing lockdown here in the UK, people are asking for radical social change and I am moving house! Right now I am very much dealing with overwhelm;…
Unpredictable British weather causing pain
Oh yes it is that time of year again, and unpredictable British weather is causing pain! By now I should be used to it, I should be prepared and armed for all occurrences because here we never know what we…
My illnesses awareness month
There are a lot of things I am not good at, including riding a bike, but the main one is remembering dates, birthdays etc. I really suck at it, still it was impossible to escape my notice this month that…
Flares and Animal Crossing
Flares and Animal Crossing are things I never thought would go together, but over the last week they have really gone together for me! So a few weeks ago I treated myself to a Nintendo Switch and the game Animal…