Home Improvements That Can Benefit Your Health
Is it time to start making the kinds of changes to your home that will also improve your health and wellbeing going forward? Not everyone has a home that aids wellbeing or promotes good health, but there are certainly changes…
Find The Right Balance Between Your Physical And Mental Health
For a lot of people, the idea of “being healthy” has a very specific meaning. They think of it in terms of being in good shape, eating well, exercising regularly. Now, these things are certainly great things that you can…
4 Simple Ways To Combat Flu
While the common cold can afflict us at any time throughout the year, the flu tends to strike during the winter season. The colder temperatures allow the influenza virus to mutate and morph into new strains and strike with a…
Staying Healthy This Winter
Whether you suffer from a chronic illness or not, staying healthy, and keeping your family healthy, in the wintertime seems to be so much harder than it is in the summer. There are coughs and colds everywhere, our joints and…
Extremely Effective Ways to Relax Naturally
Oriental cultures realised centuries ago that emotions can affect our physical health as well. It took the western world a while longer to grasp this principle, and it seems it was in the 1940s before this really happened. It was…
10 Healthy Ways to Manage Erectile Dysfunction
If you are experiencing trouble getting an erection, maintain an erection for long, reduced sex drive chances are that you are developing or have developed erectile dysfunction. Whether you currently suffer from ED or are hoping to sidestep this condition,…
Wait for this all to blow over
Hey everybody! Welcome back to my blog, and wow this week has been kind of tough for me both with my mediumship and my health! I really want to get going and keep growing but somehow my body has been…
Ways to Break Out of a Cycle of Dependence or Addiction
If you’ve started to notice that there are certain things or substances you turn to when you feel down or stressed, you could be starting to develop a dependence. And many dependences become addictions. So if you’re in that cycle…
Efforts To Help Soothe Your Emotional Wounds Following A Death
Death is something that will touch each and every one of our lives. It pays to develop a healthy relationship to this sad occurrence before it happens, but also give yourself the space necessary to grieve and feel what you…
Do you have SAD?
Hey everybody! I have been sent this infographic by Betterhelp, an online counselling service. I have worked with them before and as you all know from a recent post of mine I suffer with this myself. I think it is…