• Mental Health

    Dealing with travel anxiety

    This weekend I am going away for a few days to Scotland to my best friends wedding and right now I’m dealing with travel anxiety. I’m full of worry about what to pack and what could happen, so let’s have…

  • Mental Health

    Awareness months matter

    Today my best friend made me cry, she sent me a BBC news article about chronic pain and how sufferers are treated. It reminded me why raising awareness means so much to me and why awareness months matter. I felt…

  • Mental Health

    Brain Ramblings

    Brain ramblings, those times when you let your thoughts just spill out and usually do not share, but today I thought I would treat you all to one I had last night. I was in bed watching one of my…

  • Mental Health

    Invisible Disabilities Week 2021

    It is Invisible Disabilities Week 2021 and as an advocate, carer, and person with invisible illnesses I wanted to talk a bit about my own experiences. I hope this article helps you to feel a little less alone. I am…

  • Mental Health

    Being social again

    Today I went out with my friend Jess for a coffee and a slice of cake, something we would do from time to time. But after lockdowns being social again feels so alien and especially for me who finds social…

  • Mental Health

    Living with an anxiety disorder

    I think those of us who suffer would agree that living with an anxiety disorder is a rollercoaster of illogical thoughts and a constant feeling of nervousness. There is not much help given to those of us who have been…