I had crystal healing for the first time
Hey everyone! It is true I love alternative therapies and finding new ways of treating my chronic illnesses. So I thought I would try Crystal Healing it is something I have only just heard about but my friend does it…
Wait for this all to blow over
Hey everybody! Welcome back to my blog, and wow this week has been kind of tough for me both with my mediumship and my health! I really want to get going and keep growing but somehow my body has been…
Resting leads to guilt
Hey everybody! Well I have been put on antibiotics this week, hence no post on Monday just gone, and I feel awful on them! I am literally sleeping most of the time and to be honest resting leads to guilt,…
Fatigue and Netflix addiction
Hey everybody, How are you all this week? I do hope that the change in weather is not affecting you all too much? I wish I could say the same, but my fatigue has flared and because of it I…
Frustration and studying with chronic illness
Hey everybody! If you have been following my you tube channel, then you will know that I am currently studying to become a psychic. I have found as the course has progressed however that my chronic illnesses are holding me…
Body Positivity and Disability
Hey everybody! The summer is here and I am wearing a lovely skirt and a pretty vest top and I should be feeling happy but I am feeling self conscious. I suffered with eating disorders, I look in the mirror…
Dealing with Loneliness in Summer
Hey everybody! Here in England we are having a heatwave, social media is full of people spending time with friends, and almost every night I can hear the sounds of BBQs! Usually this is a time when people get together,…
Let’s talk about fostering a world community
Hey everybody! So I have been thinking about this a lot, how can we improve our community and why it seems so fractured. This post was spurred on to be written though by Melissa at Mint Tea and Elephants, we…
Feeling guilt with summer fatigue
Hey everybody! Feeling guilt with summer fatigue is so hard, it seems to take all the motivation out of me! I am trying so hard to keep up with things but all I want to do is sleep and it…
A change is as good as a rest
Hey everybody! Well we have had quite the eventful week and I really thought it would leave me with a lacking in spoons and increased pain and overall feeling dreadful…I am still waiting for the bump! I guess a change…