Dealing with ‘state of the world’ stress
Dealing with state of the world stress is something I have been struggling with over the last month or so. With elections, riots and the rise of the far right, it can be hard to stay grounded and unaffected by…
Mindfully coping with stress
Today I want to talk about mindfully coping with stress, something that I fight most days as I have an anxiety disorder. It might help you to do these things as well. Stress is a part of life, certain things…
A chronic illness photography study
Last week I was contacted by Ashley Oman on Instagram, they asked if I could help promote a chronic illness photography study. They are a university student working with two nursing students. Aiming to look into the lived experience of…
Managing Pandemic Stress with Yoga and Meditation
This is a guest post written by April Meyers from Mind, Body, Health Solution Adjusting to life in a pandemic hasn’t been easy. And although we’ve been living in this new normal for quite some time, there is still a…
Stress and construction
Right now the top half of my home is full of construction workers fixing our roof and replacing the guttering. It is a job that needed doing, but the constant noise and having people around us is really stressful. Stress…
Dealing with stress
Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, especially when you have chronic illnesses that make every day feel like a rollercoaster. But right now I am moving house while we are in the middle of a…
Stress with a chronic illness
Well the pandemic is still happening though governments are easing everything to make money again. We are in the middle of moving house just the contracts to sign and to sort out a completion date. And my dad’s dog who…
Birthday, bad news and a flare
Hey everybody! So I gave myself last Friday off because Saturday was my birthday and as I had gone out for dinner Thursday I needed to rest. I am sure my fellow Spoonies understand and for that I am thankful!…
Dealing with a busy and stressful week
Hey everybody! Wow last week was a bit of a nightmare! It was such a busy and stressful week and that is why I didn’t have a blog post on Friday I was so wiped out and I still am!…