Overwhelm in witchcraft
I am loving my spiritual journey, especially now I know what kind of witch I am and can focus my studies. But recently I have been feeling like I have too much to learn and do and it has been…
Building a routine for mental health
I have to be honest, I am a creature of habit and I love when I know where I am and what is happening. Building a routine for mental health has been such an incredible part of my dealing with…
Spread kindness like glitter
After seeing someone bullying on Twitter, I was inspired to think more about kindness. I have spoken a lot about it here on the blog and YouTube but can we please spread kindness like glitter? Have you ever used glitter?…
Fostering cosiness for mental health
Cosiness is something that feels good, just picturing it in your mind, makes you feel safe. Fostering cosiness for mental health is so important during these cold and drab winter months. I recently watched a wonderful video on It’s a…
When pacing goes wrong
I think we have all had times when pacing goes wrong and end up doing so much more than you meant. It is part of living with chronic illnesses that cause fatigue, and so is the guilt! So I thought…
5 ways to support your favourite content creators
I was talking to my aunt not too long back about my YouTube channel, she admitted she didn’t subscribe because she thought she had to pay. This inspired me to try and help people to understand. Here are 5 ways…
Getting into the Christmas spirit
Getting into the Christmas spirit is feeling a lot harder for most people this year. I am seeing so many people saying they are just not feeling it even with the relaxed rules during the pandemic here in the UK.…
Getting back to exercise
Exercise has been important to me for many years now and for a long time I did yoga every day. Looking after my joints and muscles helps my pain and protects my hypermobile joints. But with increased fatigue, and moving…
When fatigue flares
Moving house is always stressful and difficult, even if you don’t have chronic illnesses it can take it’s toll. When fatigue flares it can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed, or trying to push through so you can get things…
Dealing with stress
Stress is something we all deal with from time to time, especially when you have chronic illnesses that make every day feel like a rollercoaster. But right now I am moving house while we are in the middle of a…