Tips for insomnia
You know right now so many of us are struggling, able bodied or with chronic illness we are all in the same situation. I have seen a lot of people talking about struggling right now so I thought I would…
Mental health during the pandemic
I wasn’t sure what to talk about this week, I am not leaving my house at all and I am kind of addicted to Disney+ at the moment. However, I am more and more seeing people posting on social media…
Muggle sick with chronic illness
A couple of days ago I went on a double date with hubby and some friends, the next morning I woke up with a cold. This time of year when leaving the house is something that you can rarely do,…
Dealing with depression at christmas
Its never easy dealing with depression at Christmas, but for so many it is reality so its important we talk about it. I have been hit with a flare of my own depression this week and I couldn’t let it…
How can I help my fatigue?
How can I help my fatigue? I am sure if you suffer with it you have asked yourself this many times just as I have!
How I treat my chronic pain
Well I have been meaning to do a post showing how I treat my chronic pain for a while. I hope this post will give you some new ways to cope and treat your pain and I think its important…
So summer has finally arrived
So, summer has finally arrived in England and for those of us with chronic illnesses who find it hard to regulate our body temperature it’s not great! Honestly, I cannot step outside to enjoy the sunshine because it is so…
Tips for travel with chronic illness
I am going away this weekend and I am so excited; I am going to a convention dedicated to the TV show Once upon a time! I have been attending events run by Starfury decades and honestly, I think they…
Alternative Marie Kondo method for chronic illness
Hey everybody! Wow I cannot get a hold of my fatigue at the moment, and I think anyone who has the same issue will understand my problem. You see not too long ago a woman gained fame on Netflix for…
Tips and Tricks for coping with bad depression days
Hey everybody! So this week kind of started out badly because somebody I trusted as a friend lied to me and hurt me. This triggered some really horrible memories from when I was a child and left me full of…