Forgiveness with Yoga
Hey everybody! So on January the first I started a 31 day Yoga programme with Yoga with Adriene and I was determined that I was going to get back to daily yoga no matter what! Now we are nearing the…
Health update and some advice?
Hey everybody! So this week has been tiring, I do not know why but my fatigue seems the worst it has been in so long and I am struggling to keep up. Naps and lots of sitting down between tasks…
Dealing with broken resolutions when chronically ill
Hey everybody! So how are those resolutions doing? It is the 7th so a week into January and I have broken some of my resolutions and in the past this has led me to giving up throwing in the towel…
Trying to keep up with my dreams
Hey everybody! Hope you all had a good few days? How are the resolutions going? Mine are doing well I have managed to do the yoga 30 day challenge every day but today and I am so proud of myself…
Trouble hearing
Hi everybody! So for about a month now I have had trouble hearing, this happens about twice a year for me and I put drops in for about a week then go see the nurse at my local doctors surgery…
Migraines and returning zest
Hey everybody! So this week has been very up and down for me, on a low point I had a two day migraine where I felt so sick and dizzy I just rested and could really do nothing else. The…
Depression and motivation
Hi Everybody! First of all I apologise for being a day late in posting this I am struggling with a headache that will not go and I had the day offline to rest…it didn’t work but it was worth a…
Headaches and results
Hi guys hope you are all well? The last few days I have been enjoying the sunshine here in the UK, it has been lovely to sit in the garden and feel the warmth and just meditate. This is something…
I am exhausted
This is how I feel perfectly! I am trying to get back to daily yoga, I don’t do any mad poses but it is wonderful physiotherapy it keeps me flexible and helps my strength as well as lowering my anxiety…