
Turning to Alternative Therapies

Today I talk about how I feel I need more than my doctor can give me and how I am finding my first steps into alternative therapy for my Fibromyalgia Hey everybody!

I was a qualified nurse before I got sick, but even I have to admit modern medicine has kind of let me down! I am constantly told I am on so much pain relief they do not know what to give me if it gets worse. On top of that I was not diagnosed with anything for five years, and then ten years after that I was told I didn’t have Multiple Sclerosis and it was Fibromyalgia instead!

So I have been looking into alternative therapies this year and to be honest it is…well overwhelming! It is almost impossible to know where to start and there is so much information out there it is almost impossible to know where to begin and what is genuine!

Thankfully I have yoga, that has been my exercise for years now and though I still use it as my exercise I also use it for symptom management. I found bedtime yoga can help my muscles relax and my head to calm ready for bed. I have found routines for headaches, for muscle cramps, and it opened up a world of treating my body my moving it instead of resting all the time to try and treat myself.

On top of this I have meditation, I am still learning how to do it alone, but Yoga Nidra and guided meditation on you tube are brilliant. They are just lying and listening while focusing on breath and it helps my mind to let go and my body to relax. If you have not tried meditating you are really missing out on something that can really help.

However, then I got a little lost and for a few months I did not know where to turn, the internet is a great resource but also a little overwhelming! So I went on Etsy and looked up Fibromyalgia wondering if there was anything people were selling could help and I found THIS

It is a massage oil that has lots of herbs and essential oils in it and you just rub it in where it hurts…it is amazing! I used it on my arms and the pain and cramping just melted away! I really felt relaxed and it smelt so wonderful I just cannot say enough about it. On top of that I got the balm which helps with joint pain which I get a lot in my hands and it is so soothing and really nice to use. If you have fibro I would certainly recommend them!

Lastly CBD oil it is cannibis without the illegal drug bit! I thought it was illegal here, but it turns out that it was made legal in January here in the UK and so when I saw a sign for it in my local health food shop I rushed in there! I chose the lowest dose and I just use it under my tongue at night to help with my pain and insomnia. I am spending much less time napping since I started it and I also found my anxiety has lessened by using it!

The question I pose now though is where do I go from here? I know I want to save for a diffuser, but what alternative therapies do you use? Are there any must have oils or books that would help me? Please comment me links to books, purchases and articles as well as any advice you might have?

Namaste xxx

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